Non-3D Payment

Service Address

Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
CardHolderFullName (string) Card holder's name
CardNumber (string) Card number
ExpMonth (string) Expiry date month information (MM)
ExpYear (string) Expiry date year information (YYYY)
CvcNumber (string) card security number
CardToken (string) If the Card storage feature is used on the Moka, withdrawals can be made by giving the Token of the Card. If a token has been issued, it is not necessary to provide the card number and other card information (expiry date, cvc).

Note : Even if there is a 3D transaction obligation when sending a card number in workplace authorizations, if a NonSecure (Non-3D) transaction is desired while making a payment with Token, Non3D payment service can also be used by requesting this parametric authorization from Moka.
Amount (decimal) Total payment amount (Kurus part is written with a dot. For example: 27.50). The sum of the amount fields sent in the SubDealer block must be equal to this field.
Currency (string) Currency unit. Optional field, if not sent at all or empty, default is TL, Other values: USD, EUR, GBP
InstallmentNumber (integer) Number of Installments. It is an optional field, if it is not sent at all, if it is sent blank, if 0 or 1 is sent, it means Advance sale. A value between 2 and 12 must be sent for Installment.
ClientIP (string) IP information of the computer running the application (desktop/web) from which the card number is obtained
OtherTrxCode (string) You can submit your own Unique Transaction Code in this field for reconciliation. (Can also be sent blank). Note: You can find out the payment status by using this code while getting the dealer payment detail list.
IsPreAuth (tinyint) Pre-authorization process ?
0 : No - Direct Capture Process
1 : Yes - Pre-authorization Process (Must be converted to payment with DoCapture service after a while)
IsPoolPayment (tinyint) Pool payment ?
The money will be withdrawn from the credit card but will be kept in the pool. The dealer will approve the payment after the customer receives the service or product, and the payment for this transaction will be reflected on the dealer's statement after approval (optional). Set this field to 1 to send a payment in the pool system.
IntegratorId (tinyint) (optional) ID of the System Integrator Company that integrates Moka into ready-made eCommerce packages – (If you are not an integrator company, do not send this field!)
Software (string) The name of the e-commerce package or software that you call this service integrated with the Moka payment system. (Max 30 characters)
SubMerchantName (string) (optional) Name you want to appear on statement – Mokaya must be notified in advance
Description (string)(optional) Description field. If you want to write a description about the payment, it can be written in this field. (Up to 200 characters can be written.)
CommissionScenario (integer)(required) It is the commission option that is decided by the top dealer and tells how the commissions to be deducted from the sub-dealers that have participated in this sale will be calculated.

After calculating the Moka commission to be deducted from the lower dealer, the difference between the upper dealer commission amount and the lower dealer commission amount is the upper dealer's own income. These calculations are made separately for each sub-dealer that has participated in this sale, and the total commission to be deducted from the upper dealer (Moka Revenue) arising from the sale, the total commission to be deducted from the lower dealers and the total income of the upper dealer will be found.

The amount to be deposited by Moka to the sub-dealer is the amount after deducting the sub-dealer's commission.
There are 6 different scenarios to report the sub-dealer commission:

The top dealer uses this scenario when he wants to trade with the commission rate defined in the Moka system of the lower dealer. Therefore, it is sufficient to distribute the amount to the sub-dealers in the sale. How much commission will be deducted from each sub-dealer is calculated by looking at the commission rate defined for that sub-dealer in the Moka system. The Amount and DealerId parameters in the SubDealer block are mandatory fields.

The formula is as follows :
Sub-dealer commission amount = (Amount * MokaSub-DealerCommission Rate / 100)

The upstream dealer uses this scenario when he wants to instantly give the downstream dealer a new commission rate (%) for this payment. In this case, instead of the sub-dealer's commission rate in the Moka system, the calculation is made using the sub-dealer's commission rates (%) and the fixed commission amount sent in this request. Amount, DealerId and DealerCommissionRate parameters in the SubDealer block are required fields. For fixed commission amount, TL amount can be sent to DealerCommissionFixedAmount parameter when requested. (zero if not sent)

The formula is as follows:
Sub-dealer commission amount = (Amount * DealerCommissionRate / 100) + DealerCommissionFixedAmount

The top dealer uses this scenario when he wants to instantly give a new commission amount (TL) to the sub-dealer for this payment. In this case, instead of calculating the commission rate of the sub-dealer in the Moka system, the sub-dealer commission amount (TL) sent in this request is used. When the commission deducted from the lower dealer is subtracted from the commission deducted by Moka from the upper dealer, the income of the upper dealer appears. The DealerId, Amount and DealerCommissionAmount parameters in the SubDealer block are required fields.

The formula is as follows:
Sub-dealer commission amount = DealerCommissionAmount

If the top dealer does not want to follow the commission rate that Moka will deduct from itself or does not want to calculate according to this rate, it uses this scenario to specify how much rate (%) will be added directly to the commission rate to be deducted from itself and deducted from the lower dealer. The rate given in this scenario is the top dealer revenue rate.
The DealerId, Amount, GroupRevenueRate and AmountToBeCommissioned parameters in the SubDealer block are required fields.
The sum of the AmountToBeCommissioned fields given for sub-dealers must be equal to the sum of the whole sale. The commission to be deducted from the parent dealer can be loaded to different sub-dealers by numeric manipulation on the AmountToBeCommissioned field. For example, if no deductions are requested from a sub-reseller, GroupRevenueRate = 0 and AmountToBeCommissioned = 0 for that sub-reseller

The formula is as follows :
Sub-dealer commission amount = (Amount * GroupRevenueRate / 100) + ( AmountToBeCommissioned * MokaTop-DealerCommission Rate / 100) + IsIncludedFixedAmount

If the top dealer does not want to follow the commission rate that Moka will deduct from itself or does not want to calculate according to this rate, it uses this scenario to indicate how much amount (TL) will be added directly to the commission rate to be deducted from itself and deducted from the lower dealer. The DealerId, Amount, GroupRevenueAmount and AmountToBeCommissioned parameters in the SubDealer block are required fields

The formula is as follows :
Sub-dealer commission amount = (GroupRevenueAmount) + ( AmountToBeCommissioned * MokaUp-DealerCommission Rate / 100) + IsIncludedFixedAmount

The top dealer uses this scenario when he wants to tell the bottom dealer how much (TL) will be deposited instantly for this payment. In this case, neither the sub-dealer's commission rate in the Moka system is calculated, nor the sub-dealer's commission amounts or rates are given. The amount required to be deposited to the sub-dealers is given and Moka calculates the commission rates and amounts. Sub-dealer's total commission amount is found when the amount to be deposited to sub-dealers is subtracted from the Main Amount. When the commission amount to be deducted by Moka from the top dealer is subtracted, the income of the top dealer is revealed. DealerId and Amount parameter in SubDealer block are required fields. The sum of the Amounts in this block is not equal to the main Amount !!! The difference is the sum of sub-dealer commissions.

The formula is as follows :
Subdealer commission amount = Main Amount - SubDealer.Amount
SubDealer (Array-List)(required)
DealerId (integer)It is the dealer number of the sub-dealer that will receive the payment. The same dealer can only be included in the list once.
Amount (decimal)The main amount is the transaction amount of this sub-dealer. The sum of these amounts in the SubDealer list must be equal to the main payment amount.
DealerCommissionRate (decimal)It is the percentage commission rate that will be deducted from the sub-dealer. (eg: 3.85) means 3.85 percent.
DealerCommissionAmount (decimal)It is the TL commission amount to be deducted from the sub-dealer. (eg: 12.75)
DealerCommissionFixedAmount (decimal)The fixed commission to be deducted from the sub-dealer is TL amount. (eg: 0.75) This fixed commission amount is added to the commission calculated according to the percentage commission rate, and the total commission is found for this sub-dealer. This field can be given zero.
GroupRevenueRate (decimal)It is the percentage revenue rate that the top dealer requests instantly for a payment. (eg: 2.25)
GroupRevenueAmount (decimal)It is the TL income amount that the top dealer requests instantly for a payment. (eg: 10.75)
AmountToBeCommissioned (decimal)It is the amount to which the commission desired to be reflected to the sub-dealer will be applied. The sum of this field must be equal to the Amount field in the PaymentDealerRequest block, because the commission amount Moka will deduct from the top dealer is the main payment amount times the top dealer commission rate. This field is used to reflect the commission to be deducted from the top dealer to the sub-dealers differently.
IsIncludedFixedAmount (integer) (optional)If there is a fixed amount defined for the parent dealer and it is requested to be added to the payment of this sub dealer, this field 1 is sent. If it will not be added, it is left blank or sent as 0.
BuyerInformation (Array)(optional) These are the fields related to the customer who buys a product/service from our dealer. Although it is not mandatory to send these fields, sharing them with Moka is in the interests of both our dealer and Moka in case of future payment related problems.

BuyerFullName (string) Optional field. Name and surname of the recipient.
BuyerEmail (string) Optional field. Recipient's e-mail address.
BuyerGsmNumber (string) Optional field. It is the mobile phone number of the recipient. It must be entered as 10 digits, without spaces.
BuyerAddress (string) Optional field. It is the address of the recipient.
BasketProduct (Array)(optional)

ProductId (integer) It is the product ID.
ProductCode (string) It is the special code of the product on the dealer side.
UnitPrice (integer) It is the unit price.
Quantity (integer) The quantity of the product
CustomerInformation (Array)(optional) If card information is also desired to be stored during payment and the dealer's card storage service is activated by Moka, then this information block can be sent to create a customer and add the card number used for payment to this customer.

DealerCustomerId (integer)The Unique ID of this customer in the Moka system, if this customer has been registered in the Moka system before.
CustomerCode (string)The Unique ID of this customer in your system. If this code has already been registered in Mokaya, you can also send a payment request with this code and if the card is to be stored, it will be stored under the customer. If this client is to be registered for the first time, it is registered with this code
FirstName (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's name is entered.
LastName (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's surname is entered. (optional)
Gender (tinyint)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the gender of the customer is entered. (optional) 1: male 2: female
BirthDate (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the date of birth of the customer is entered. (optional)
GsmNumber (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's mobile phone is entered. (optional)
Email (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's email address is entered. (optional)
Address (string)If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's residential address is entered. (optional)
CardName (string)Name given to the card (Ex: “Maximum card”) (Max 50 characters) (optional)

Sample Request (JSON)

Scenario 1

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Scenario 2

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Scenario 3

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Scenario 4

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Scenario 5

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Scenario 6

      "CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoğlu",

Successful Request Result

Successful Result Example


Failed Request Result

PaymentDealer.CheckPaymentDealerAuthentication.InvalidRequestThe CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
PaymentDealer.CheckPaymentDealerAuthentication.InvalidAccountNo such dealer was found, Dealer code, dealer username and/or password were entered incorrectly.
PaymentDealer.CheckPaymentDealerAuthentication.VirtualPosNotFoundThere is no virtual pos definition for this dealer.
PaymentDealer.CheckDealerPaymentLimits.DailyDealerLimitExceeded Any of the daily limits defined for the dealer have been exceeded.
PaymentDealer.CheckDealerPaymentLimits.DailyCardLimitExceededNo more transactions can be made using this card during the day.
PaymentDealer.CheckCardInfo.InvalidCardInfoThere is an error in the card information.
PaymentDealer.DoDirectPayment.ThreeDRequired There is an obligation to send 3d payment for the dealer, Non-3D payment cannot be sent.
PaymentDealer.DoDirectPayment.InstallmentNotAvailableForForeignCurrencyTransaction Installments cannot be made in foreign currency.
PaymentDealer.DoDirectPayment.ThisInstallmentNumberNotAvailableForDealer This number of installments cannot be made for this dealer.
PaymentDealer.DoDirectPayment.InvalidInstallmentNumberThe number of installments is between 2 and 12.
PaymentDealer.DoDirectPayment.ThisInstallmentNumberNotAvailableForVirtualPosVirtual Pos does not allow this number of installments.
EX Example of Failed Result

Başarısız Sonuç Örneği

   "ResultCode":"PaymentDealer.CheckPaymentDealerAuthentication.VirtualPosNotFound ",