Send Payment Request

Service Address

Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
OtherTrxCode (string) You must submit your own Unique Transaction Code in this field to achieve reconciliation. Note: You can find out the payment status by using this code while getting the dealer payment detail list.
DealerCustomerTypeId (integer) ID of the Payment Request sending definition record created by Moka for your dealer. You must submit the payment request according to the rules in this definition. Otherwise you will get error messages.
FullName (string) Name and surname of your customer to whom the payment link will be sent - You can not enter this field if the link will not be sent to your customer, but will return to you with the service.
GsmNumber (string) Telephone number where the payment link will be sent - If the link will not be sent to your customer, but will return to you with the service, you can not enter this field.
Email (string) The e-mail address to which the payment link will be sent - You may not enter this field if the link will not be sent to your customer, but will return to you with the service.
IsPoolPayment (tinyint) Pool payment ?
0 : No - The amount withdrawn from the card is credited to the dealer's account the next day or later, according to the agreement between Moka and the dealer.
1 : Yes - The money will be withdrawn from the credit card but kept in the pool. The dealer will approve the payment after the customer receives the service or product, and the payment for this transaction will be reflected on the dealer's statement after approval. Until the dealer approves the pool payment, this payment is not included in the statement. Set this field to 1 to send a payment in the pool system.
IsPreAuth (tinyint) Pre-authorization process ?
0 : No - Direct Capture Process
1 : Yes - Pre-authorization Process (Must be converted to payment with DoCapture service after a while)
IsTokenized (tinyint) Will the card entered for payment be stored in the Moka system? (The dealer must be receiving card storage service in order to keep the card)
0 : The card will not be kept
1 : The card will be kept
2 : The paying customer will decide whether to keep the card or not.
DealerCustomerId (integer) The Unique ID of this customer in the Moka system, if this customer has been registered in the Moka system before.
CustomerCode (string) The Unique ID of this customer in your system. If this code has already been registered in Moka, you can also send a payment request with this code and if the card is to be stored, it will be stored under the customer. If this client is to be registered for the first time, it is registered with this code
FirstName (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's name is entered.
LastName (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's surname is entered. (optional)
Gender (tinyint) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the gender of the customer is entered. (optional) 1: male 2: female
BirthDate (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the date of birth of the customer is entered. (optional)
CustomerGsmNumber (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's mobile phone is entered. (optional)
CustomerEmail (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's email address is entered. (optional)
Address (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's residential address is entered. (optional)
Amount (decimal) Payment amount (The Kurus part is written with a dot. For example: 27.50)
Currency (string) Currency unit. Optional field, if not sent at all or empty, default is TL, Other values: USD, EUR, GBP
InstallmentNumber (integer) Number of Installments. It is an optional field, if it is not sent at all, if it is sent blank, if 0 or 1 is sent, it means Advance sale. A value between 2 and 12 must be sent for Installment.
SetInstallmentBy (tinyint) In installment payments, it determines who will choose the number of installments.
0 : The customer will choose the number of installments
1 : The dealer who sent the number of installments has chosen and sent it
CommissionByDealer (tinyint) Will the commission be paid by the dealer or charged to the customer?
0 : The Customer will pay the commission for both cash and installment payments. The dealer does not interfere with the commission.
1 : Only the dealer pays the commission in advance payment, the customer pays the commission in installments.
2 : Both in cash and in 2 installments, the commission is paid by the dealer, in higher installments the commission is taken from the customer
3: Both in cash and in 2 installments, the commission is paid by the dealer, in higher installments the commission is taken from the customer.
12 : The dealer pays the commission both in cash and in all installments.
IsCommissionDiffByDealer (tinyint) According to the information above, how many installments the dealer will pay the commission, in more installments, the entire commission or only the difference can be reflected to the customer.
0 : No (Reflect the Selected Installment Commission to the Customer)
1 : Yes (Selected Installment Commission – (minus) Fee equal to the Installment Commission Accepted by the Dealer (Differential Commission) Reflect to the Customer)
IsThreeD (tinyint) Will the payment be made using 3D?
0 : 3D is not mandatory (customer can make non-3D payment if they want, or they can tick 3D option)
1 : Payment using 3D is mandatory
Description (string)(optional) Description field. If you want to write a description about the payment, it can be written in this field. (Up to 200 characters can be written.)
ReturnHash (tinyint) Its value must be given as 1. When the 3D Payment flow is completed, your RedirectURL will be notified whether the transaction was successful or not by adding the letter T or F to the end of the CodeForHash code returned in the response of this service.
RedirectUrl (string) If the link from which the payment will be made will not be sent to the customer, the service will return to you and you will open this link yourself, then you have to give the RedirectUrl field. If the link will be sent to the customer by SMS or email, you do not need to provide this field as the payment result will be directed to Moka's own page.
As a result of the 3D transaction, the dealer web page where the successful or unsuccessful transaction result is returned and the user is directed. While giving this URL, if you write your own transaction ID as a parameter at the end, you will determine which transaction you have received. If you're sending the OtherTrxCode field, you can't even use the Get parameter when giving the URL. The OtherTrxCode field is already POSTing to this URL.
Example :
Important Note : For your security, prefer your own transaction code that you write at the end of the URL to be an unpredictable code
BuyerInformation (Array)(optional) These are the fields related to the customer who buys a product/service from our dealer. Although it is not mandatory to send these fields, sharing them with Moka is in the interests of both our dealer and Moka in case of future payment related problems.

BuyerFullName (string) Optional field. Name and surname of the recipient.
BuyerEmail (string) Optional field. Recipient's e-mail address.
BuyerGsmNumber (string) Optional field. It is the mobile phone number of the recipient.
BuyerAddress (string) Optional field. It is the address of the recipient.
BasketProduct (Array)(optional)

ProductId (integer) It is the product ID.
ProductCode (string) It is the special code of the product on the dealer side.
UnitPrice (integer) It is the unit price.
Quantity (integer) The quantity of the product.

Sample Request (JSON)


Successful Request Result

Successful Result Example


Failed Request Result

ResultCode Explanation
PaymentUserPos.DealerAuthentication.InvalidRequest The CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
PaymentUserPos.DealerAuthentication.InvalidAccount No such dealer was found
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.ChannelPermissionNotAvailable The reseller is not authorized to send a payment request.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.IpAddressNotAllowed The IPs that the dealer can access are restricted.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.EmailOrGsmNumberRequired No e-mail or phone number to send the payment link.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.GsmRequired The phone to send the payment link is not given.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.EmailRequired The e-mail to send the payment link was not given.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidGsmNumber Phone number to send payment link is wrong
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidEmailFormat Email format to send payment link is wrong
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidCustomerGsmNumber For the card storage service, the phone information, which is the dealer customer information, is incorrect.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidCustomerEmailFormat For the card storage service, the email information, which is the dealer customer information, is incorrect.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidCurrencyCode Currency incorrect (must be TL, USD, EUR or GBP)
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InstallmentNotAvailableForForeignCurrencyTransaction Installments cannot be made for foreign currency.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerTypeNotFound The definition of submitting such a payment request could not be found.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerTypeMismatchForDealer This payment request submission definition does not belong to this reseller.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.ForeignCurrencyUnavailable The dealer does not have a foreign currency permit.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidPaymentPermission Error message about pre-authorization or sending direct payment
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidPoolPermission Error message about sending a pooled payment
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidTokenizationPermissionValue Error message regarding card storage
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidTokenizationPermission Dealer does not have card storage permission
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidCommissionByDealerValue How many installments commission from the dealer, the value is given incorrectly
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidCommissionDiffByDealerValue From the commission difference in more installments, the value is given incorrectly
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.SetInstallmentByAndInstallmentNumberInconsistent Who will choose the installment, the dealer or the customer? The value given with the description must match
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidInstallmentNumber The number of installments was entered incorrectly.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.SetInstallmentByInconsistent Who will choose the installment, the dealer or the customer? The value given with the description must match
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.ThreeDRequired 3D must be mandatory
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidBirthDateFormat From the dealer customer's information, the date of birth was entered incorrectly.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerNotCreated An attempt was made to create a new dealer customer, but an error was received
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerNotFound An existing reseller customer was submitted (with CustomerCode), but this customer was not found.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerInfoIsMissing To create a Reseller customer, at least CustomerCode and FirstName must be given.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DealerCustomerIdAndCustomerCodeDontMatchForDealer Both the DealerCustomerId in the Moka system and the dealer's own Customer code are given. But in Moka system this customer data is incompatible
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidBuyerGsmNumber There is a problem in the areas belonging to the person receiving the service.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.InvalidBuyerEmailFormat There is a problem in the areas belonging to the person receiving the service.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.DailyDealerLimitExceeded Dealer's daily payment limit has been exceeded.
PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.MonthlyDealerLimitExceeded The dealer's monthly payment limit has been exceeded.
EX An unexpected error has occurred

Example of Failed Result

	"Data": null,
	"ResultCode": "PaymentUserPos.CreateUserPosPayment.GsmRequired",
	"ResultMessage": "",
	"Exception": null
