Get Payment List

Service Address

Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
DealerSaleId (integer) It is the Unique Id of the sale on the Moka side. Not required if SaleCode is submitted.
SaleCode (string) It is the code on the dealer side of the sale. Not required if DealerSaleId is submitted.
PaymentPlanPaymentDateStart (string) Payment steps between which dates are requested.
PaymentPlanPaymentDateEnd (string) Start and end dates are given in "YYYYMMDD" format.

Sample Request (JSON)

	"DealerSaleAuthentication": {
		"DealerCode": "xxx",
		"Username": "xxx",
		"Password": "xxx",
		"CheckKey": "aabbccddeeff"
	"DealerSaleRequest": {
		"DealerSaleId": "1",
		"SaleCode": "",
		"PaymentPlanPaymentDateStart": "20171120",
		"PaymentPlanPaymentDateEnd": "20171130"

Successful Request Result

Parameter Explanation
PaymentPlanListCount (integer) The number of payment steps for that sale between the entered dates.
PaymentPlanList (Array) List of payment steps

DealerPaymentPlanId (integer) This is the Unique Id given by Moka for this payment step.
DealerSaleId (integer) On the Moka side, it is the Id of the sale to which this payment step is added.
SaleCode (integer) It is the code of the sale to which this payment step is added on the dealer side.
PaymentDate (string) The date the shooting started
Amount (decimal) Withdrawal amount
Currency (string) Currency unit
InstallmentNumber (integer) Installment amount (0 or 1 means cash)
HistoryDate (datetime) If the payment date has come and the payment process has been started, the date of the last withdrawal attempt will be returned, otherwise it will be blank.
CardToken (guid) If the payment date has come and the payment process has been started, the Token of the last tried credit card will be returned, otherwise it will be blank.
DealerCustomerTypeId (integer) If payment is made by sending a payment request, it will be filled.
UserPosPaymentId (integer) If the payment date has come and the payment process has been started, the payment request will be sent and the payment will be filled.
DealerPaymentId (integer) If the payment date has come and the payment process has been started, the payment ID of the last withdrawal will be returned, otherwise it will be blank.
IsManualPlan (boolean) It turns "true" if it is a manually entered payment step, "false" if it is automatically created by the Moka system according to the dealer's time schedule.
PlanStatus (integer) 0 : The plan has been formed, it is not yet time to shoot.
1 : Shooting completed successfully.
2 : Shooting failed. Will try again.
3: Shooting failed, will not be attempted again.
DealerCustomerId (integer) The customer ID from which the payment will be withdrawn.
CustomerCode (string) On the dealer side, this is the customer's code.
UserId (integer) MOKA user ID from which the payment will be withdrawn
UserCode (string) MOKA user code
TrialCount (integer) Indicates the number of times the shot was attempted.

Successful Result Example

	"Data": {
		"PaymentPlanListCount": 1,
		"PaymentPlanList": [
				"DealerPaymentPlanId": 2,
				"DealerSaleId": 1,
				"SaleCode": "ABD1",
				"PaymentDate": "20171121",
				"PlanStatus": 0,
				"HistoryDate": "",
				"Amount": 0.01,
				"Currency": "",
				"InstallmentNumber": 1,
				"IsManualPlan": false,
				"DealerCustomerId": 1,
				"CustomerCode": "CODE1",
				"UserId": 0,
				"UserCode": "",
				"CardToken": "",
				"DealerPaymentId": 0,
				"DealerCustomerTypeId": 0,
				"UserPosPaymentId": 0,
				"TrialCount": 0
	"ResultCode": "Success",
	"ResultMessage": "",
	"Exception": null

Failed Request Result

DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.InvalidRequestThe CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.PaymentPlanPaymentDateStartIsRequiredPayment plan start date is required.
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.PaymentPlanPaymentDateEndIsRequiredPayment plan end date is required
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.NoDataFoundPayment plan end date is required
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.InvalidDateFormatPaymentPlanPaymentDateStartPayment plan start date format is invalid
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.InvalidDateFormatPaymentPlanPaymentDateEndThe payment schedule end date format is invalid..
DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.SaleCodeOrDealerSaleIdMustBeGivenSales code or dealer sales id must be entered
EX An unexpected error has occurred

Example of Failed Result

	"Data": null,
	"ResultCode": "DealerSale.GetPaymentPlanList.SaleCodeOrDealerSaleIdMustBeGiven",
	"ResultMessage": "",
	"Exception": null