Get Statement List

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Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
StatementStartDate (datetime) Statement start date (yyyy-MM-dd ) (optional)
StatementEndDate (datetime) Statement end date (yyyy-MM-dd ) (optional)
AccountingId (integer) Accounting id of the relevant transaction. (optional)
StatementId (integer) Extract id. (optional)
SubDealerId (integer) Sub-dealer id, (required)


Parameter Explanation
StatementList (Array)

DealerStatementId (integer)Dealer statement id.
CurrencyId (integer)Currency id.
StatementStartDate (datetime)Statement start date.
StatementEndDate (datetime)Statement expiry date
WillBePaidOn (datetime)Information on when the payment will be credited to the dealer.
StatementStatus (integer)State of the extract.
SalesCount (integer)Number of sales.
SalesTotal (decimal)Total of sales.
SalesCommissionTotal (decimal)Total commission of sales.
RefundCount (integer)Number of returns.
RefundTotal (decimal)Total of returns.
RefundCommissionTotal (decimal)Total return commissions.
DealerAccountingId (integer)Dealer accounting id.
Status (integer)Situation.
PaymentTrxList (Array)

DealerPaymentId (integer)Payment id
OtherTrxCode (string)counter transaction number
CardHolderFullName (string)Card owner's name and last name
CardNumberFirstSix (string)The first 6 digits of the card number
CardNumberLastFour (string)Last 4 digits of card number
PaymentDate (datetime)Payment date
Amount (decimal)Payment total
RefAmount (decimal)Refund amount
CurrencyCode(string)Currency unit
InstallmentNumber (integer)Number of installments
DealerCommissionAmount (decimal)Dealer commission amount
IsThreeD (bool)3D Payment?
Description (string)Payment description
PaymentStatus (string)Payment status (pre-authorization, payment, cancellation, refund, etc.)
TrxStatus (string)Process status (pending, successful, failed, etc.)
Software (string)The platform from which the payment is sent
SubPaymentList (Array)

DealerPaymentDealerId (integer)Subpayment list id.
DealerId (integer)Member workplace id.
Amount (decimal)Sub-merchant payment amount.
RefAmount (decimal)Sub-merchant refund amount.
DealerCommissionAmount (decimal)Merchant commission amount
DealerGroupCommissionAmount (decimal)Top merchant commission amount
PaymentTrxDetailList (Array)

DealerPaymentTrxId (integer)Payment transaction id.
TrxCode (string)Transaction code between the bank and Moka.
TrxDate (datetime)Transaction date.
Amount (decimal) Payment total.
TrxType (integer)Type of payment transaction.
TrxStatus (integer)Status of the payment transaction.
PaymentReason (integer)Payment status (cancellation, refund, regular payment, etc.)
VoidRefundReason (integer)Code indicating the reason for the cancellation or refund.
VirtualPosOrderId (integer)Virtual pos transaction number.
ResultMessage (string)Error message returned from the bank.
SubPaymentTrxList (Array)

DealerPaymentTrxDealerId (integer)Subpayment transaction id.
DealerPaymentDealerId (integer)Subpayment list id.
DealerId (integer)Member workplace id.
Amount (decimal) Payment total.
DealerCommissionAmount (decimal)Merchant commission amount
DealerGroupCommissionAmount (decimal)Top merchant commission amount

Sample Request (JSON)


Successful Request Result

Successful Result Example

                     "CardHolderFullName":"Zeynep HASHAN",
                     "CardHolderFullName":"Zeynep HASHAN",

Failed Request Result

Dealer.CheckDealerAuthentication.InvalidRequestThe CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
Dealer.CheckDealerAuthentication.InvalidAccountNo such dealer was found.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.InvalidRequestThe CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
PaymentDealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.DealerNotAuthorizedThis dealer has no authorization.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.SubDealerIdRequiredSub-dealer id is invalid.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.SubDealerNotFoundSub-dealer not found.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.InvalidDateFormatThe date format is invalid.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.StatementNotFoundExtract not found.
Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.InvalidStatementIdOrAccountingIdStatement id or accounting id is invalid.
EX An unexpected error has occurred

Example of Failed Result

   "ResultCode":" Dealer.GetStatementListMarketPlace.SubDealerIdRequired",