Add Card

Service Address

Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
DealerCustomerId (integer) When the customer is added, the Unique Id in Moka is returned. Not required if CustomerCode is sent..
CustomerCode (string) It is the unique code that the dealer gives to its customer. Not required if DealerCustomerId is sent (Max 100 chars)
CardHolderFullName (string) Card holder's name and surname (Max 100 chars)
CardNumber (string) Card number
ExpMonth (string) Expiry date, MONTH (in MM format, ex: "03")
ExpYear (string) Expiry date, YEAR (in YYYY format, eg "2018")
CardName (string) Name given to the card (eg: “My maximum card”) (Max 50 chars)

Sample Request (JSON)

		"CardHolderFullName":"elif yetimoglu",
		"CardName":"Bonus kartım"

Successful Request Result

Parameter Explanation
DealerCustomerId (integer) The Unique Id of the customer whose card has been added is returned in Moka.
CustomerCode (string) Previously, the Unique code that the dealer gave to the customer while adding the customer
Password (string) When the customer wants to withdraw from his stored card, if the dealer wants the customer's password to be asked, the customer's own password is entered in this field. (Max 50 chars
FirstName(string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's name is entered.
LastName (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's surname is entered.
Gender (integer) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the gender of the customer is entered. 1: male 2: female
BirthDate (string) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the date of birth of the customer is entered.
GsmNumber (integer) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's mobile phone is entered.
Email (integer) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's email address is entered.
Address (integer) If the customer is to be registered in the Moka system for the first time, the customer's residential address is entered.
CardListCount (integer) The number of the customer's stored cards. "1"
CardList (Array) List of customer's stored cards

CardToken (guid) Card's Token (Dealer will be able to withdraw from the card with this information)
CardName (string) Name given to the card (eg: “My maximum card”) (Max 50 chars)
BankName (string) Name of the card's bank (Issuer Bank)
CardNumberFirstSix (string) The first 6 digits of the card number (BIN number)
CardNumberLastFour (string) Last 4 digits of card number
CardHolderFullName (string) Card holder's name
ExpMonth (string Expiry date - MONTH (in MM format, ex: "03")
ExpYear (string) Expiry date - YEAR (in YYYY format, ex: "2020)

Successful Result Example

            "CardName":"Bonus kartım",
            "CardHolderFullName":"elif y",

Failed Request Result

DealerCustomer.AddCard.InvalidRequestThe CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt..
DealerCustomer.AddCard.CustomerCodeOrDealerCustomerIdMustBeGivenCustomer code or dealer customer id must be entered.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.CardHolderFullNameIsRequiredThe cardholder's name is required.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.CardNumberIsRequiredCard number required.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.CardAlreadyExistsThis card has already been added.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.ExpMonthIsRequiredRequires expiration date in month format.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.ExpYearIsRequiredAn expiration date is required in year format.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.DealerCustomerNotFoundNo dealer customer found.
DealerCustomer.AddCard.CustomerCodeDoesntMatchDealerCustomerIdThe customer code and the dealer customer ID do not match.
EX An unexpected error has occurred

Example of Failed Result

	"Data": null,
	"ResultCode": "DealerCustomer.AddCard.ExpMonthIsRequired",
	"ResultMessage": "",
	"Exception": null