Update Dealer

Service Address

Request Parameters


Parameter Explanation
DealerCode(string) Dealer code issued by the Moka system
Username (string) Api username given by Moka system
Password (string) Api password given by Moka system
CheckKey (string) The control key (DealerCode + "MK" + Username + "PD" + Password) is created by passing this information, combined as a String, through the SHA-256 hash algorithm.
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Parameter Explanation
SubDealerCode (string) The code of the sub-dealer to be updated in the Moka system
DealerType (integer) Type of dealer
1 : Real Person (No Tax Plate),
2 : Legal Entity (Ltd.A.Ş),
3: Legal Entity (Personal Firm) (Mandatory)
TRIdentityNumber (string) TR Identity Number (11 digits).
IndividualName (string) Name Surname (max 50 chars).
TaxNumber (string) Tax Number (10 digits).
CompanyName (string) Company Name (max 100 chars).
ContactName (string) Authorized Name (max 50 chars).
Email (string) Reseller email address (max 100 chars).
PhoneNumber (string) Dealer phone number (in the format 5351112233).
CityCode (integer) The license plate code of the city where the dealer is located.
CountryCode (integer) The code of the country where the dealer is located, 212: Turkey, 232: Cyprus, default 212 if no value is given.
Address (string) The full address of the dealer (Mah., Cad., Sok., Flat information). (max 200 chars)
IBanFullName (string) The name and surname of the account holder to whom the money will be deposited.
IBan (string) The bank account number to which the money will be deposited. (It must be sent as 24 digits without entering TR. EX: 112233445566778899001122)
BlockedDayNumber (integer) It is the information of how long after the dealer's money will be deposited. For example, if this field is given the value 1 and the payment is made on Monday, the money will be deposited into the dealer's account on Wednesday. For the same scenario, if the value is given as 4 (Wednesday:1, Thursday:2, Friday:3, Saturday:4), the money will be credited to the account on Monday, since it will be credited to the account on a working day. The default of this field is 0, which means it will go to bed the next day.
PaymentDaysOfWeek (string) What days of the week will this dealer be paid? (0: Sending this value will reset the field, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, values '1,2,3,4,5 are separated by commas. can be sent at the same time.'
MokaPosProposalTemplateLimitId (integer) It is an ID that Moka will give you. It allows the dealer to define his limits.
MokaPosProposalRateId (integer) It is an ID that Moka will give you. It allows the dealer's commission rates to be defined.
NOTE: TRIdentityNumber and IBan parameters are correct. You must send a valid Iban and TC ID number.


Parameter Explanation
DealerId (integer) The dealer's ID in the Moka system
DealerCode (string) The code of the sub-dealer to be updated in the Moka system
DealerName (string) Dealer's name
DealerType (integer) Type of dealer
1 : Real Person (No Tax Plate),
2 : Legal Entity (Ltd.A.Ş),
3: Legal Entity (Personal Firm) (Mandatory)
Title (string) Dealer's title
ContactName (string) Dealer's authorized person name
PhoneNumber (string) Telephone of the dealer or authorized person
Email (string) Email address of the dealer or authorized person
TRIdentityNumber (string) TR Identity Number (11 digits)
IsThreeDRequired (bool) Is 3D payment mandatory for this dealer? (True, False)
TaxNumber (string) Tax Number (10 digits)
PaymentDaysOfWeek (string) What days of the week will this dealer be paid? (0: Sending this value will reset the field. 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, 'The values 1,2,3,4,5 can be sent at the same time with a comma between them.')
BlockedDayNumber (integer) It is the information of how soon the dealer's money will be deposited. For example, if this field is given a value of 1 and the payment is made on Monday, the money will be credited to the dealer's account on Wednesday. For the same scenario, if the value is given as 4 (Wednesday:1, Thursday:2, Friday:3, Saturday:4), the money will be credited to the account on Monday, since it will be credited to the account on a working day..
Address (string) Open address space
CountryCode (integer) The code of the country where the dealer is located
CityCode (decimal) Plate code of the city where the dealer is located
Iban (string) The bank account number to which the money will be deposited
IbanFullName (string) Name and surname of the account holder to whom the money will be deposited
DailyTrxAmountLimit (decimal) Daily payment amount limit (in TL)
DailyTrxNumberLimit (integer) Daily payment limit
DailyTrxAmountLimitNon3D (decimal) Daily Non-3D payment amount limit (TL) – if 3D is mandatory
DailyTrxNumberLimitNon3D (integer) Daily Non-3D payment limit – if 3D is mandatory
EachTrxAmountLimit (decimal) Amount limit for each payment transaction (in TL)
EachTrxAmountLimitNon3D (decimal) Amount limit for each Non-3D payment transaction (TL) – if 3D is mandatory
DailyCardAmountLimit (decimal) Daily limit of payment from the same card (in TL)
DailyCardNumberLimit (integer) Quantity limit to pay from the same card per day
DailyCardNumberAlertLimit (integer) Number of daily payments from the same card (only alarm occurs)
MonthlyTrxAmountLimit (decimal) Monthly payment amount limit (in TL)
MonthlyTrxNumberLimit (integer) Limit of monthly payments
MonthlyTrxAmountLimitNon3D (decimal) Monthly Non-3D payment amount limit (TL) – if 3D is mandatory
MonthlyTrxNumberLimitNon3D (integer) Monthly non-3D payment limit – if 3D is mandatory
MinTransferAmount (decimal) The minimum amount required to pay the dealer statement.
IsRefundCommissionWillBePaid (bit) Will return commissions be paid to the dealer? 0: No 1: Yes
GroupName (string) The program name of the card returns. (BONUS, AXESS, WORLD etc.)
Bank (string) Bank names
CommissionStartDate (dacetime) Starting date of the commission rate to be applied to the dealer
CommissionRate (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer
CommissionAmount (decimal) Fixed commission amount to be taken from the dealer
CommissionRateFC (decimal) Percentage commission rate for foreign currency withdrawal from the dealer
CommissionAmountFC (decimal) Fixed commission amount to be charged for foreign currency withdrawal from the dealer
CommissionRateDebit (decimal) Percentage commission rate for bank cards from the dealer
CommissionAmountDebit (decimal) Fixed commission amount for bank cards from the dealer
CommissionRateInternational (decimal) Fixed commission amount to be collected from the dealer for international cards (undefined thousands)
CommissionAmountInternational (decimal) Percentage commission rate for overseas (undefined thousands) cards from the dealer
CommissionRate2 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be taken from the dealer when the number of installments is 2
CommissionRate3 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 3
CommissionRate4 (decimal) When the number of installments is 4, the percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer
CommissionRate5 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be taken from the dealer when the number of installments is 5
CommissionRate6 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be taken from the dealer when the number of installments is 6
CommissionRate7 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 7
CommissionRate8 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be taken from the dealer when the number of installments is 8
CommissionRate9 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 9
CommissionRate10 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 10
CommissionRate11 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 11
CommissionRate12 (decimal) Percentage commission rate to be received from the dealer when the number of installments is 12

Sample Request (JSON)

      "IndividualName":"Zeynep Hashan",
      "CompanyName":"Moka Ödeme Kuruluşu",
      "ContactName":"Zeynep Hashan",

Successful Request Result

Successful Result Example

      "DealerName":"Zeynep Hashan",
      "Title":"Zeynep Hashan",
      "ContactName":"Zeynep Hashan",
            "Bank":"4 - ",
            "Bank":"122 - ",
            "Bank":"98 - ",
            "Bank":"168 - ",
            "Bank":"215 - ",
            "Bank":"0 - Genel",

Failed Request Result

Dealer.CheckDealerAuthentication.InvalidRequest The CheckKey may be bad, or the object may be bad, or the JSON may be corrupt.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.MissingRequest Missing request information
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidAccount No such dealer was found, Dealer code, dealer username and/or password were entered incorrectly.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.SubDealerCodeRequired Sub-dealer code required
Dealer.UpdateDealer.DealerNotAllowed The dealer is not allowed.
Dealer.GetDealer.SubDealerNotFound Sub-dealer not found.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.SubDealerCannotBeUpdated Unable to update sub-dealer.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.IndividualNameIsRequired Individual name required.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.TRIdentityNumberIsRequired TR ID number is required
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidTRIdentityNumber TR ID number is invalid
Dealer.UpdateDealer.TaxNumberIsRequired Tax number required
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidTaxNumber Invalid tax number
Dealer.UpdateDealer.CompanyNameIsRequired Company name required
Dealer.UpdateDealer.ContactNameIsRequired Name of authorized person required
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidDealerType Dealer type is invalid
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InconsistentDealerType Inconsistent dealer type
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidCompanyNameLength Invalid company name length
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidIndividualNameLength Invalid individual name length
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidMokaPosProposalTemplateRateId Invalid Moka pos offer template rate id
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidMokaPosProposalTemplateLimitId Invalid Moka pos offer template limit id
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidTemplates Templates are invalid
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidEmailFormat Email format is invalid
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidBlockedDayNumber Invalid blocked day number
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidCityCodeOrCountryCode Invalid city or country code
Dealer.UpdateDealer.AddressIsNoMoreThan200Characters Address information should not exceed 200 characters.
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidIBanFullNameLength Invalid Iban Fullname length
Dealer.UpdateDealer.IBanIsFalse Iban number is wrong
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidPaymentDaysOfWeek Pay days of the week are invalid
Dealer.UpdateDealer.InvalidPhoneNumber Invalid phone number
Dealer.UpdateDealer.OperationWasInterrupted The operation was interrupted.
EX An unexpected error has occurred.

Example of Failed Result

   "ResultCode":" Dealer.UpdateDealer.IBanIsFalse",